Nicoletta Toniolo


Development and characterisation geopolymer composites containing silicate waste particles


Investigator: Nicoletta Toniolo (Doktorandin)Nicoletta Toniolo


Henkestraße 91 
91052 Erlangen

Raum 02.023a

Tel.: 09131 85-25525



Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini


The goal of this research project is the development and characterization of mechanically competent, chemically resistant geopolymers, which incorporate non-hazardous silicate waste [1]. In particular, waste materials that are not currently reused in other industrial sectors but are abundant and urgent to dispose, will be considered. A complete characterization of the new materials will be carried out focusing on properties of relevance for targeted applications which include refractory filters and lightweight panels for thermal and acoustical insulation. This research project is being carried out in the framework of the European Training Network (ETN) (Horizon 2020) project: "Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries (CoACH)" and in close collaboration with colleagues at the University of Padova, Italy (Department of Industrial Engineering, Prof. E. Bernardo) and with other academic and industrial partners in CoACH.

[1]  I. Kourti et al., Production of geopolymers using glass produced from DC plasma treatment of air pollution control (APC) residuesOriginal Research Article J. Hazard. Mater. 176 (2010) 704-709.